After his days as a football executive for the Detroit Lions in which he will go down as one of the worst general managers in the history of sports, listening to Matt Millen talk football strategy on the four letter network seemed laughable.

However, given his football upbringing at Penn State University under the Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky regime, hearing what Millen has to say regarding the Penn State scandal is interesting.

On Thursday after Louis Freeh released his report on the internal investigation into Penn State’s handling of Jerry Sandusky’s Child Sex Abuse Millen took to the air and gave his opinions of his Mentor (Paterno).

Despite Freeh’s finding’s that revealed Paterno as a total enabler who was more concerned about Penn State’s image than the safety and welfare of children, Millen continued to defend JoePa referring to him as someone who exhibits great character. Millen then goes on to say that basically aside from everything that’s happened “you can’t discount all the good that he’s done” and that “he’s (Paterno) is a man who has flaws”.

Unfortunately Millen is probably echoing the opinions of a large group of people who still choose to defend Paterno based on his football record and what he’s did in the past for Penn State.

At this point in time though everything that Paterno did is hollow and no longer has any substance.

Simply put, there’s no defending Paterno and there’s not rationalizing what he did or didn’t do. He made a tremendous mistake and that’s he will be remembered for forever.

Ref: SportsGrid, YouTube, Busted Coverage