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VIDEO: The Tyreek Hill police bodycam footage has been released

The body cam footage of Tyreek Hill’s detainment yesterday has been released and yeah, it seems pretty damning for some power tripping cops.

In the footage that was released, we can hear the police asking Hill why he wasn’t wearing his seatbelt. The Dolphins wide receiver then rolls up his window before the police knock on it and demand that he get out of the car. Subsequently, the police forcibly remove Hill from the car, throw him to the ground, and proceed to handcuff him.

However, that wasn’t the end of it. The police once again forcibly put Hill to the ground as the receiver could be heard pleading with them that he had knee surgery. Finally, towards the end of the video, teammates of Hill could be seen coming to help the wide receiver before they too were put in handcuffs.

One of the cops was placed on administrative leave and judging from the video other disciplinary actions against the officers certainly seems like it needs to happen.

The police asked Hill to roll down his window, which he did. After that, they dragged him out of the car. It seems like there was no reason to escalate the situation other than the cop’s ego being bruised. What law was broken besides driving without a seatbelt and potentially speeding that would justify someone being forcibly removed from their vehicle, thrown to the ground, and handcuffed?

Seriously, this is the same shit that Colin Kaepernick protested against and was eventually blackballed by the league for. Thankfully there were bystanders and Hills teammates around to hold these cops accountable. If this shit didn’t get videoed there’s no telling how bad things could’ve gotten when it came to Hill’s safety and well being.

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