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The NFL continues to double down on their screwups


The NFL is continuing to double down and defend the clear fuck ups from their officials during last Saturday’s Lions/Cowboys matchup in Dallas.

Aside from the NFL assigning Brad Allen (the ref at the center of all the controversy) and the rest of his officiating crew the Steelers/Ravens game this coming weekend, the League sent out a video to their 32 teams which not only once again passed blame down to the Lions but had the look of some early 90s onboarding video for new Denny’s hires.

The only thing this video continues to do is prove that the Lions got screwed. We once again see Decker having a face-to-face with Allen who acknowledges the interaction and Skipper being nowhere in the vicinity of that initial conversation. It’s truly mind-boggling that the NFL is still trying to pass off anything but the Decker/Allen interaction, which if Decker isn’t reporting there what was he doing and why can’t that be addressed by the League? The only thing we’re getting is the League is looking even more clownish for having to once again come to the defense of shitty officiating, especially from this crew.

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