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The latest on the Rich Rodriguez situation; Rodriguez still the coach for now

Well it seems like the Rich Rodriguez media saga will go into Wednesday…
Tuesday afternoon at 2PM ET, Michigan Athletic Director David Brandon met with embattled head football coach Rich Rodriguez to go over his evaluation and furthermore discuss Rodriguez’s future with the team. Around 2:30PM ET, FOX 2 Detroit first reported through their twitter page that Rich Rodriguez was in fact fired by David Brandon.
Around 4PM ET, more reports started to surface saying that the meeting between Rodriguez and Brandon was still occurring and no official statement regarding Rodriguez’s future was being made by neither the University or anyone in Rodriguez’s camp. This included Rodriguez’s agent, his wife Rita Rodriguez and some of his coaches like defensive coordinator Greg Robinson who had no comment as he left Schembechler Hall.
Rich Rodriguez and David Brandon reportedly broke their meeting at around 7:15PM ET with Rodriguez’s future still unsettled and another meeting between Brandon and Rodriguez scheduled for Wednesday.
There was also a players only meeting that was suppose to be held at 7PM ET Tuesday to discuss the coaching situation with the players themselves. That has since been delayed until 4PM ET on Wednesday. Speaking of the players, according to sources several players were told that Rich Rodriguez was still the coach as of Tuesday night.
Now there is a whole lot of speculation coming out regarding the delays in an announcement on Rodriguez’s future with the team. It seems as though the more popular reason for the delay is that Michigan wants to have a new head coach already in place once the announcement comes that Rodriguez is out as Michigan’s coach. This of course would be to avoid any difficulties that Michigan saw back in 2007 when they where then looking for a new head coach to take over for the retiring Lloyd Carr. Again anything heard regarding Rodriguez’s future or the reason for the delay is speculation until the University of Michigan makes their official statement.
Now we’ve also been hearing a lot regarding current Stanford head coach Jim Harbaugh and his future. Again like what’s going on with Rich Rodriguez, anything coming out regarding Harbaugh going to the NFL, staying at Stanford or going to Michigan is speculation until Harbaugh makes the announcement himself. The popular report Tuesday was Harbaugh was either staying at Stanford or going to the NFL and that Harbaugh would make his decision later in the week. This however cannot be confirmed at this point.
With the news coming out that Harbaugh would not be going to Ann Arbor to coach the Wolverines, Brady Hoke, a former Michigan assistant and current coach of San Diego State emerged as a possible number two if Michigan cannot get Harbaugh.
Stay tuned to The Majors (TMSNX) for more as it develops. presents Close the Gap!

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