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Sepp Blatter stepping down as FIFA president


Just days after winning re-election amid a damning corruption investigation against top FIFA officials, the organization’s president Sepp Blatter announced Tuesday that he would resign. Despite the scandal though wrecking havoc among the governing body of World soccer, it’s not exactly clear why Blatter is stepping down however you can make your assumptions. You’d definitely have to figure FIFA’s No. 2, Jerome Valcke and the allegations, not to mention paper trail leading to him supposedly taking bribes for World Cup votes had a good basis for Blatter’s sudden decision to step aside. Additionally if Valcke did in fact go down, how long would it be before Blatter suffered the same consequences considering the ongoing investigations by the United States Department of Justice as well as Swiss authorities?

A special session of congress is expected to take place to name Blatter’s successor which isn’t expected to come until the time period between December of this year and March of next year. FIFA however did state that there will be ‘integrity checks’ made on any candidates being considered for powerful decision.

Blatter himself said today that profound restructuring is needed within FIFA:

“FIFA needs profound restructuring,” Blatter said. “Although members have given me the new mandate, this mandate does not seem to be supported by everyone.

“We will hold an extraordinary conference as soon as possible. A new president will be elected.”

How this latest development affects the 2022 World Cup in Qatar is still yet to be seen despite FIFA saying last week that the organization will not take bids for replacement countries. However an English FA chair on Sepp Blatter’s resignation was quoted in saying, ‘If I was [Qatar organizers] I wouldn’t sleep well tonight’.

Stay tuned for further updates as they become available.


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