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Rob Gronkowski crashes the White House press briefing

Rob Gronkowski has had quite the offseason thus far. In only a few months since the Patriots won the Super Bowl, Gronk has tried to get some pit girls to say ’69’ on live television and swiped Tom Brady‘s recently recovered Super Bowl jersey at Fenway.

Today he’s crashing Sean Spicer‘s White House press briefing asking if he ‘needs any help’…

Spicer seemed to hold his own pretty well in today’s press briefing however I’m sure other day’s Spicey could have probably of used Gronk’s help. Aside from trying to possibly get reporters to tell him their favorite number ’68’ and ’70’ I’d bet that Gronkowski would stay away from the Hitler parallels. Not to mention who wouldn’t want to see the Patriots tight end stand at the White House press secretary podium? It seems like the perfect job for him.


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