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Report: MLB planning to suspend Alex Rodriguez, Ryan Braun and 20 other players linked to Tony Bosch after All-Star Break


If you thought maybe the latest MLB PED scandal linked to the Florida Biogenesis lab was going to just blow over… well quite the contrary, it’s about to get really ugly.

According to an ESPN Outside the Lines report Tuesday afternoon  T.J. Quinn and Mike Fish write that Major League Baseball is planning to suspend Alex Rodriguez, Ryan Braun and 20 other MLB players linked to the Florida anti-aging clinic ran by Tony Bosch. And it would seem that Braun himself didn’t make matters any better after refusing to cooperate with MLB investigators and answer any questions pertaining to Bosch in late June, which probably pushed the ball along in this whole ordeal.

From the ESPN report:

Commissioner Bud Selig’s office is expected to suspend Braun and Rodriguez, along with as many as 20 players sometime after next week’s All-Star break, several sources told “Outside the Lines.” As OTL reported, MLB started building cases against the players last month after Bosch agreed to cooperate with investigators.

The question is the length of the suspensions.

Sources said the commissioner’s office was considering 100-game bans for Braun and Rodriguez, the punishment for a second offense, even though neither player was previously suspended for violating MLB’s drug policy.

Alex Rodriguez, who is currently on a rehab assignment in Florida is scheduled to meet with the League this Friday.

In addition to Rodriguez and Braun, Jon Heyman of says that  Nelson Cruz, Everth Cabrera, Jhonny Peralta, Jesus Montero, and Bartolo Colon were among the other 20 players linked to Bosch’s lab and could face retribution from the league. And in the case of Bartolo Colon this would be he second offense after being suspended last season for a positive PED test.

h/t:, The Big Lead, ESPN, CBS Sports

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