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NFL won’t change the ‘Calvin Johnon rule’

The NFL won’t make any changes to the rule that cost Calvin Johnson and the Lions a win during the opening game against the Chicago Bears this pasts season.

According to Bob Glauber of Newsday, the NFL’s Competition Committee has decided to keep the current rules about maintaining possession throughout a catch.

“That play will still be incomplete,” said competition committee member John Mara, the Giants’ president and co-owner.

Gregg Rosenthal of stated that the Committee took a look at the play at length but decided implementing a rule would be too hard to officiate.

“If you read the rule, it’s not a catch,” Mara said.  “The reason it’s not a catch is you’ve got to control the ball when you hit the ground. It makes it easier to officiate. It’s a bright line that you can draw.”

Gregg Rosenthal had a wonderful response to the NFL’s ruling…

If that’s true, then why is there such disagreement on similar plays?  The official on Johnson’s play had a perfect view of the call, and signaled a touchdown.

The same ruling played a factor in the NFC Championship.  FOX’s Mike Pereira and the referee looking at the same replay on an interception at the end of the first half came to different conclusions.

If the NFL isn’t going to change the rule, they better make sure everyone understands where that bright line is.

Source: Newsday,

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