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NFL and the Lions investigating fan shining laser pointer at Bills players, suspected fan tweets about his actions


The NFL and Detroit Lions are reportedly investigating an incident Sunday where a fan allegedly shined a laser pointer at some Bills players including quarterback Kyle Orton who could be seen at time complaining to the refs about something.

The Lions later released a statement saying that laser pointers are banned at Ford Field, they’ll try and find the fan, blah blah blah…

“We are aware of the reports from today’s game involving the use of a laser, and we have been in contact with NFL security regarding this issue,” the team said in a statement. “Lasers are a prohibited item at Ford Field. While Ford Field security was unable to identify anyone using a laser at today’s game, any future occurrence will be dealt with accordingly.”

However someone may have outed themselves on Twitter, making mention of a ‘green light’ on Bills players and that light being because of him (the fan):

Unfortunately Marcko Beslach deleted his account shortly after making this tweet so we can’t continue to razz him about being a total freakin’ idiot like this guy did:

But since he did delete his account you can probably sure bet it was actually him with the laser pointer.

Anyways though aside from Marcko Beslach possibly being one of the dumbest NFL fans alive, I kinda get a kick out of hearing the NFL conducting any kind of investigation. I’m already assuming TMZ is again one up on them and already knows where this kid lives. Party on NFL.

h/t: CBS Sports

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