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Lions WR Nate Burleson gets free pizza for a year

Last month Lions WR Nate Burleson totaled his hybrid Yukon on I-696 coming home from a Monday Night Football party in the early morning hours.

Burleson suffered a broken arm and perhaps a bruised ego when it was revealed he lost control of his truck when he was trying to save a pizza from fall off his front seat. The outspoken wide receiver even posted pictures of the aftermath on his Instagram account.

But can you believe this story actually gets better?

It appears the long wake of the crash and putting his life on the line to save pizza (Happy’s Pizza albeit… gross) Burleson has received free pizza for a year from Digiorno’s.


The letter, according to CBS Sports reads:

“Hello Nate, We hope you are feeling better after your recent car accident and are on the road to recovery. DiGiorno Pizza understands the challenges that come with carry out and delivery pizza so we’re sending you a gift along with a year supply of DiGorno pizza so you can skip carry out.”

Where are you at Happy’s?

Anyways, it looks as though Burleson is slated to return after next week’s bye when the Lions resume play against the Bears. All is right with the World.

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