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Jonas Jerebko unlikely to return this season from Achilles tendon injury

Pistons’ forward Jonas Jerebko has been turning heads for his work ethic in practice as he try’s to rehab his injured Achilles tendon and work his way back into the lineup.

Unfortunately for Jerebko, that return probably won’t happen this season.

According to Chris Iott of, head coach John Kuester shook his head no repeatedly when asked if Jerebko would return this season.

“This kid – I’ve been in the business for 20 years – I’ve never seen a kid work so hard to try to get back,” Kuester said. “It’s killing him. It’s killing him. This young man is working extremely hard to put himself in a position to play.”

Jerebko injured his Achilles tendon during the first game of the pre-season all the way back on October 5th against the Miami Heat. He has been working with Pistons head trainer Arnie Kander in hopes of returning this season and says that he appreciates Kuester taking note of his hard work.

“It’s good to have people notice it because I’m in there when nobody’s there, when nobody sees me work out,” Jerebko said. “It just feels good that they see it. I’m glad that they notice.

“I don’t want anybody to outwork me or for Arnie to say, ‘He didn’t work hard enough — that’s why he didn’t play this year.’ I’m just going at it every day until he says stop.”


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