So will this be the final play of Tom Brady’s career, or at the very least the last play in a Patriots uniform?
It’s time Patriots fans start to come to terms with the fact that it very well maybe because it wasn’t a game where everyone but Tom Brady looked like shit, Brady himself looked like shit as well.
Brady ended the night 20/37 for 209 yards, ZERO touchdowns and one interception which probably should’ve been two given what didn’t transpire at the end of the first half. And in the end, the Patriots lost their second consecutive home game, this time 20-13 to the Titans while some major questions loom for New England this offseason.
Those questions also shouldn’t be what they (New England) should do when it comes to whether or not they need to “re-tool”. They should be coming to terms with the question of whether they want to continue giving the ball to a quarterback who’s going to be 43 years old when the 2020 regular season starts.
At this point too, people shouldn’t hesitate to second-guess themselves when posing those questions because it’s pertaining to Tom Brady and Bill Belichick. The Patriots continue to play with fire when they roll the dice with a 40-plus-year-old QB.
Because for as great as Brady has been throughout his career, and he is the best QB to ever set foot on a football field, hitting a brick wall can come at any time when you’re dealing with an NFL player (especially a QB) that is that old.