Aubrey Huff continues to challenge Curt Schilling for the coveted undisputed title belt given to the biggest piece of shit former MLB player.
Huff’s latest ploy at the title came in a deleted tweet when he called Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who murdered two people during the ongoing Kenosha protests this week a “national treasure”.
You can’t make this shit up in 2020 folks.
In order to contend for the undisputed title of biggest piece of shit former MLBer, obviously this isn’t the first time Huff has displayed just how big of a tool he could actually be. I mean go check out the guy’s Twitter timeline, it’s full of nonsensical, racist, bigoted bullshit that only some chud Trump supporter would find captivating.
Huff’s social media activity even got him excluded from the San Francisco Giants’ 10-year World Series reunion this past February. Huff said he was “shocked” and “disappointed” in the decision by the Giants who called the former MLBer’s views as “unacceptable and run counter to the values of our organization.” Huff even railed off to The Athletic saying “If it wasn’t for me, they wouldn’t be having a reunion,” further adding, “But if they want to stick with their politically correct, progressive bulls–t, that’s fine.”
As far as Huff’s “national treasure” goes, Kyle Rittenhouse was booked yesterday on murder charges in Illinois and is awaiting a hearing to be transferred to Wisconsin.