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GIF: Rays outfielder David DeJesus gets hit with what looks like dip spit, Tampa Bay gets the last laugh

Indians fans have been on a role.

First they get the ‘Detroit’s Bankrupt’ chants going towards the end of the regular season then last night we see a few morons dress in ‘red face’ mimicking the controversial Chief Wahoo logo.

In the eighth inning though Indians fans went to another level when they appeared to hit Rays outfielder David DeJesus with a makeshift spittoon full of dip spit.



The liquid looked to have a brown color to it and I’m sure fans weren’t drinking cider in the 8th inning.

Tampa Bay got the last laugh though as they went on to beat the Indians 3-0 to advance to the ALDS against Boston.

But hey, you stay classy Cleveland.

h/t: The Big Lead


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