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Flyers: Steve Mason has zombie teammates on new mask


Zombie fan and Flyers goaltender Steve Mason decided to go the zombie route for his mask this upcoming season but with a twist.

Instead of the generic zombie, Mason decided to zombify his teammates as well as legendary Philadelphia Flyers throughout the teams history.

Here’s an up-close of the design by Fan Drummond of Paint Zoo:

Mason’s quote’s last season regarding his idea for the mask may be better than the mask itself.

Here’s what he told

“I just flat-out told them, ‘Would you want to be on a helmet? You’re going to get a lot of airtime. At the end of the day you’ll probably look better as a zombie than you do in real life.’”

As a zombie fan myself the mask really is pretty awesome. It also seems to fit the Flyers since they pretty much play like a team consisted of the undead.

h/t: Puck Daddy

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