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Boston Could Have Had A Tea Party, Instead It Ended In A Massacre

As surprising as it may sound, the Boston Red Sox are now in the stages of rebuilding. I say that because this was a baseball team that won 90 games and for 161 games of the season had playoff implications. I’m sure the whole city of Boston is singing that Green Day song, “Wake Me Up When September Ends”. Going 7-20 in the month of September is just awful and it was quite obvious that Terry Francona had to go.

The question that hangs above the team is, “who’s next?” Don’t I sound like Bill Goldberg from WCW when I say that? I feel like it. But yes, the question is now, who can come to this team and lead them into the right direction? I mean their job is pretty much 95% down. They have great ball players (aside from one but we’ll get into that), the only thing now is, win in the most important month of the year, September. I’m not sure who could come to the Red Sox though. Lou Pinella could come out of retirement, Ozzie Guillen might just say ‘fuck off’ Florida Marlins, your going to be sold in a few years anyways. Other than that, I’m not sure. I haven’t really been hearing too much on who’s next in line to manage the Red Sox. Whoever it is, they don’t have their hands full, they just have to win. How hard can that be? Not that hard, especially when you finish the season against the Baltimore Orioles.

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