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Anarchy in the BBWAA


Worse than Republicans, worse than Democrats, the biggest mistake the powers that be in baseball ever made was the BBWAA, The Baseball Writers Association of America. The purveyors (their view) or perverters (my view) of baseball justice. The same group that made anti Semitic slurs at Hank Greenberg, made Jackie Robinson’s life hell in his first few seasons, made sure that a ‘distinctive’ marking which became an asterisk for Roger Maris in 1961.  In keeping with their hateful, angry tradition,  The BBWAA makes sure you know as a fan, YOU DON’T MATTER. That’s right baseball fans you are just an ancillary to the great Gods of baseball that determine what you like.

To pay homage to Charles Dickens (and we all know ‘pay homage’ is French for steal), for the BBWAA it is the best of times it is the worst of times. Last year Mark Faller made his grandstanding play to show you  as a fan your joy is secondary to his standing. He announced on Christmas day last year, he was going to turn in a blank ballot. Nothing was going to stand in his way for his stand on the icky, nasty, dirty players. So proud of himself. This is the kind of move that the Rick Reilly’s and Mitch Albom’s praise you for. Oh, so principled. You stand tall while Rome crumbles about you. Forget that we may have a year where one vote is the difference between Hall of Fame and Hall of Very Good, Mark Faller grandstanded and made himself greater than the game.

Some would say Dan LeBatard made a grandstand move himself. He gave (not sold like I’m sure some will say) his vote to Deadspin. It was more coherent than I would bet 90% of the ballots turned in (like the idiot who wouldn’t put Greg Maddux in the Hall) and he had final say so there would be no Jacque or Todd Jones vote from Deadspin or LeBatard.

Now, one would think the grandstanding by Faller or the wildly inconsistent Dan Shaugnessy would be tut-tutted by the BBWAA. Of course not. The real issue is that a coherent, thought out, appropriate ballot was put in by Deadspin readers and the old guard lost their…mind.

The Angry Things Writers Are Saying About Our Hall Of Fame Ballot

Generally, I think Dan LeBatard is a preening idiot who uses the “Papi” schtick a little too much but seeing my ballot, it seems that LeBatard and I are on the same page as far as a baseball voting process overhaul being needed. I have suggested a gathering of 500 knowledgable fans and putting them in a room and talking it out and putting out a serious consensus. I agree with 75% and higher, a Hall of Famer should be a Hall of Famer. It should be as it was intended to be; the best of their era. Baseball is to its fans a living entity. It is above all for the fans.  Not for the Mark Fallers or Dan Shaugnessys to make their determinations of what I like. Are we going to say the years 1980-2005 just didn’t exist? Do you believe Faller or do you believe your eyes? LeBatard made a bold move, I agree with his move…it’s up to you now do you want sanctimonious writers determining your Hall of Fame?

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