Professional sports teams obviously aren’t devoid of making weird fucking decisions whether it be some boneheaded roster move or some coaching hire that has fans hitting the TUMS.

Or if your the New Jersey Teamsters… excuse me, the New Jersey Teamsterz you leave this gem of a press release to the World.

Bayonne, New Jersey – This new year,  New Jersey Teamsters Football Club (NJTFC) unveil a new crest and spelling, and is now known as New Jersey Teamsterz Football Club dba NJ Teamsterz FC. The new look of “Z” on the crest and changed spelling to represent the metro-suburban environment of Bayonne, a peninsula city along the New York City Harbor and the club’s deliberate campaign to attract Generation Z to U.S. soccer.

Adding a “Z” to the end of your name to “attract General Z to U.S. soccer”? This is the type of lame-ass media gimmick that puts you on a fast track to folding your club. Not that letter at the end of their name will be the sole reason for fading into oblivion, but you can only imagine what other cringe worthy decisions the Teamsterz have up their sleeves.

Other than that, what’s up with this crest?

From far away it looks fine, but when you get up close it’s an utter mess. For starters what’s up with the transparent negative space within the horses head?

Just terrible…